The Lucid Dreaming Course

... is a 15-chapter exploration into the science and practice of remaining consciously aware during the experience of dreams and to learn to control our mind to engage into fantastic journeys in the astral realm.

Learn to wake up in your dreams and travel far under the stars in this in-depth course on controlling your dreams and your mind for a spiritual journey of another dimension.
Every night, we “disappear” into extraordinary realms to experience impossible things, have very profound realisations, all within the seemingly limitless borders of our dreams. Yet every morning we wake up as if nothing happened. We all live countless double lives in our dreams, lives of endless possibilities, but due to the fragmented nature of our consciousness we can neither remember much nor enjoy our dreams in full awareness.

Get to know the Teachers

a little introduction to the Lucid Dreaming Course

What will I learn?

A short outline of the Lucid Dreaming Course

The course will begin with the theory of lucid dreaming – why and how people can experience this in the first place. Gradually we’ll start learning various methods that allow us to become lucid during our dreams. We’ll then continue with gaining more understanding of how our mind works, especially during sleep, and how certain types of conscious experiences that we have during the waking state can build solid a foundation for lucid dreaming. Various methods for enhancing dream lucidity will be presented – both ancient and new, together with specific Hatha Yoga practices. In the last classes of the course we’ll open into the broader aspects of astral projection, and learn how we can begin having such experiences at will. Each class will contain live parts – that will allow you to ask questions and also be corrected in your practice – as well as pre-recorded materials – mainly the lectures and theoretical explanations. As a part of each class, students also receive a clear homework which imply practically applying the methods we’ve learnt in the class.

Dreams are not waste-products of our sub-consciousness

They are portals to extraordinary dimensions of ourselves and of Existence which otherwise remain unknown and inaccessible to us, in other states of consciousness.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 0 - Course Preparation

    • A taster of the "Going Beyond–Lucid Dreaming" Course–What awaits you and meet the teachers

    • Course Preparation: How to watch this course

    • Course Preparation: On Sleep Hygiene

    • Course Preparation: How to fall back asleep

    • Course Preparation: How to meditate with music

    • Course Preparation: How to work with the Godly Attributes

    • Course Preparation: About Consecration

  • 2

    Chapter 1 - Introduction to Lucid Dreaming

    • 1.1. Meditation: Opening Session

    • 1.2. Lecture: Intro to the Subject - Why should we do Lucid Dreaming and Astral Work?

    • 1.3. Lucid Dreaming Method 1: The Dream Diary

    • 1.4. Meditation: The Godly Attribute of Godly Clarity

    • 1.5. Additional Comments and Questions & Answers for Chapter 1

  • 3

    Chapter 2 - Science of Dreaming

    • 2.0 Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 2.1. Lecture: The Science of Dreaming

    • 2.2. Lucid Dreaming Method 2: Am I Dreaming?

    • 2.3. Practice: Hatha Yoga and Meditation

    • 2.4. Questions & Answers for Chapter 2

  • 4

    Chapter 3 - The Power of the Third Eye

    • 3.0. Consecration and Introduction to the session

    • 3.1. Astral Methods 1: Bright White Light

    • 3.2. Lucid Dreaming Method 3: Segmented Sleep

    • 3.3. Practice: Special Hatha Yoga for Night Practice and Meditation

    • 3.4. Questions & Answers for Chapter 3

  • 5

    Chapter 4 - Methods of Lucid Dreaming

    • 4.0 Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 4.1. Lucid Dreaming Method 4: Setting Intentions

    • 4.2. Astral Methods 2: Deep Relaxation

    • 4.3. Practice: Special Hatha Yoga for Your Night Practice and Meditation

    • 4.4. Questions & Answers for Chapter 4

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    Chapter 5 - The Power of Sublimation

    • 5.0 Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 5.1. Lucid Dreaming Method 5: How to stay lucid without waking up

    • 5.2. Practice: Hatha Yoga and Meditation for Night Time Sublimation including Uddiyana Bandha!

    • 5.3. Lecture: The Importance of Sublimation

    • 5.4. Meditation Practice: Communion with the Godly Attribute of Godly Sublimation

    • 5.5. Questions & Answers for Chapter 5

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    Chapter 6 - Advanced Lucid Dreaming Tips & Tricks

    • 6.0 Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 6.1. Lucid Dreaming Method 6: Lucid Dreaming as a Tool

    • 6.2. Practice: Hatha Yoga and Meditation

    • 6.3. Questions & Answers for Chapter 6

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    Chapter 7 - The Secret Subtle Anatomy of the Being

    • 7.0 Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 7.1. Lecture: Subtle Anatomy 1 - Shariras

    • 7.2. Lecture: Subtle Anatomy 2 - Pancha Kosha Part 1

    • 7.3. Lecture: Subtle Anatomy 3 - Pancha Kosha Part 2

    • 7.4. Astral Methods 3: Creative Visualisation

    • 7.5. Meditation Practice: Awakening the Crown

    • 7.6. Questions & Answers for Chapter 7 part 1

    • 7.7. Questions & Answers for Chapter 7 part 2

  • 9

    Chapter 8 - Discovering the Astral Universe

    • 8.0 Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 8.1. The Astral World and the Astral Body

    • 8.2. Introduction to the Astral Practices

    • 8.3. Lightfilled Astral Journey and Meditation

    • 8.4. Questions & Answers for Chapter 8

  • 10

    Chapter 9 - Astral Projection Part 1

    • 9.0. Practical Intro: Little Astral Journey and Introduction of Dr. Doru Bodea

    • 9.1. Lecture: Astral Projection Part 1, Introduction to the Method with Dr. Doru Bodea

    • 9.2. Meditation Practice: Projection into the Astral Paradises Dr. Doru Bodea

    • 9.3. Questions & Answers for Chapter 9 with Dr. Doru Bodea

  • 11

    Chapter 10 - Astral Projection Part 2

    • 10.1. Lecture: Astral Projection Part 2 with Dr. Doru Bodea

    • 10.2. Astral Methods 4: Full Astral Projection Practice

    • 10.3. Questions & Answers for Chapter 10

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    Chapter 11 - Astral Journeys

    • 11.0. Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 11.1. Lecture: Astral Journeys and Astral Practice

    • 11.2. Astral Methods 5: Full Astral Journey

    • 11.3. Questions & Answers for Chapter 11

  • 13

    Chapter 12 - From Astral to Causal

    • 12.0. Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 12.1. Lecture: Advanced Lucid Dreaming - Beyond the Dream Realms

    • 12.2. Practice: Astral Journey and Meditation

    • 12.3. Questions & Answers for Chapter 12

  • 14

    Chapter 13 - Interpreting Dreams & their Symbols

    • 13.0. Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 13.1. Lecture: Dream Symbolism

    • 13.2. Method Lecture: Interpreting Dreams

    • 13.3. Practice: Astral Dream Interpretation and Meditation

    • 13.4. Questions & Answers for Chapter 13

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    Chapter 14 - Dreams, Death & Enlightenment

    • 14.0. Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 14.1. Lecture: Dreams on the Path to Enlightenment

    • 14.2. Lecture: Dreams and Death

    • 14.3. Practice: Meditation with the Absolute in the Astral

    • 14.4. Questions & Answers for Chapter 14

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    Chapter 15 - Closing

    • 15.0. Consecration: Conscious Beginning Moment

    • 15.1. Lecture: What we have learned

    • 15.2. Lecture: Where do we go from here?

    • 15.3. Gratitude and Astral Closing Meditation

    • 15.4. Last Questions & Sharings

Topics and Exercises

that are included in the Lucid Dreaming Course

  • Intro to Lucid Dreaming

    What are lucid dreams?
    The principles of dreaming

    Science of dreaming: about REM sleep, brain waves, hypnogogic states

    Dream patterns and sleeping cycles

    The power of intention and it’s importance in shaping our dream experience

    How to become lucid in dreams without waking up

    Keeping a dream diary

  • Advanced Lucid Dreaming

    The “Am I dreaming” method

    Meditations with music designed to access distinct states

    Specific yoga postures that are conducing to Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection

    In-depth exploration of our subtle anatomy

    How to keep the lucidity in the dream longer

    Dream symbolism and types of dreams

    Lucid Dreaming as a method

  • Astral Travels

    On Astral Projection & Astral Travels

    Various simple and complex astral methods

    The subtle anatomy of the being

    About the astral universes

    Controlled visualisation methods

    Various methods of Hatha Yoga and meditation to support the awakening of the astral body and the increased control of it to allow both for more and more advance lucid dreaming experiences and astral projection